Melissa, Geoff and Mina

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We're adopting!

Yes, it's true! We were chosen by an angel birth mom to adopt her baby. We met with her a week and a half ago and three days later she called to tell us that she had decided to place with us. I couldn't believe it! I've been in shock for the last week. Maria is actually the 6th birth mom we have had some kind of contact with, so it has been hard for me to get my head and heart around the fact that it will actually happen this time. Maria is great and has been very patient with me! She is a wonderful friend and truly an answer to prayers. She invited us to go with her to her Dr. appointment last Saturday and we got to see the baby on the ultrasound, but it was not clear enough to tell if it's a boy or girl. Maria is due in a week so we'll see what we get when the baby decides to come!
Please keep us and Maria in your prayers. I'll try to keep the blog updated when we hear any news.


  1. I'm so excited for you Melissa and your husband, just reading your post just made me want to cry!!! what a wonderful blessing! Your be an amazing mother! I wish you every bit of happiness possible and hope everything goes smoothly!!!

  2. Yeah another cousin! We love it. We are praying for you all. Can't wait to see pics of your little miracle soon.

  3. Hooray! I'm sure the little one will be so blessed to be in your home. I look forward to seeing the updates!

  4. I'm so exited for you!! can't wait to see pictures when the little one comes!

  5. HOW EXCITING!!!! I am soooo happy for you guys! That little baby will be so lucky to have you guys as parents! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!!

  6. Oh my goodness! I am sooooo excited for you! This is awseome! You better share zillions of pics!!!!! Hooray!
